iPad Program

As has been publicised previously, Dalyellup Primary School will continue with the parent funded 1 : 1 iPad program for the Year 4, 5 & 6 classes. 

Information sessions have been held in term 4 for parents of Year 3 students in preparation for their participation in the Program in year 4.

In 2024 we are encouraging our year 3 students to bring their own iPad to school in term 3. An information session will be held in the middle of the term.

For further information about the Program, please contact the school office.

The iPad has become an educational tool in your child’s toolkit to help meet curriculum requirements alongside (rather than instead of) more traditional tools like textbooks, pencils and paper. It is important to note that traditional methods of education such as writing in exercise books, etc., will not be replaced by the iPad, but rather complimented by the device.

We have seen many successes across a range of Learning Areas since the introduction of the 1:1 iPad program, which has been supported by our own testing data along with our NAPLAN results. An increase in engagement and extension into student learning has also occurred as a result of the use of the iPad device in classrooms.

We have a strong commitment to the implementation of the Australian Curriculum, which states that in Digital Technologies students are actively engaged in the process of defining problems and opportunities, designing, implementing and evaluating digital solutions, and creating and sharing information that meets a range of current and future needs. These solutions and information are created through the application of computational and design thinking, and technical skills, which the iPad is the perfect tool for.

Enrolment Requirements

Parents who are considering purchasing an iPad for their child have a range of options available from a range of local retailers. For a complete package that involves setup, support and leasing options, Computer West in Busselton offer a complete iPad package, that includes the following at competitive prices:

  • An iPad device
  • A sturdy case
  • AppleCare – which extends the warranty and technical support for the iPad to 2 Years.
  • Care Pack – this involves complete setup of the device, including installation of all school required apps and continued technical support.
  • Required apps for 2024 for Students are listed in the below attachment.